Global and rigorous management of the productive process with exact control of costs and time
Integrated solution developed to manage the whole production process, which provides complete and real-time information of all movements made in production. It avoids the duplication of actions and enables all automation and consonance between the Commercial and Productive areas, from ordering to invoicing and loading of the merchandise, passing through the whole process of transformation of the articles and their dispatch.
It allows the exact calculation of the price of each article / component in function of the cost of manufacture, with analysis of costs by:
- Cost center Operator / Equipment / Operation
- Raw materials and waste (refuse or reuse)
- Subsidiary Matters
- Overhead table (general and manufacturing facilities)
- Automatic raw materials and subsidiaries stocks management;
- Batch control by FIFO, LIFO, FEFO or manual;
- Calculation of real and budgetary cost;
- Articles with sizes, colors and characteristics;
- Datasheets of technical specifications by article;
- Fixed and variable material (article tree) lists;
- Control of inactivity machinery;
- Specific times for each equipment and article-machine pair;
- Technical tables per article / equipment;
- Profitability analysis (operators and shifts);
- Operative sequences (operative ranges);
- Manufacturing plans;
- Articles, components, raw materials and subsidiary materials;
- Gross, net or absolute needs;
- Several simultaneous units of measure (with correlation between them);
- Material requirements planning (MRP I);
- Visualization of the production flow in real time;
- Planned/realized/skid production;
- Comparative analysis: planned vs. actual;
- Artigles' cost analysis;
- Quality control;
- Industrial maintenence;
- Stop Control;
- Packing and palletizing management;
- Terminals for collecting production information;
- Touchscreen kiosks with magnetic card readers;
- Issuance of labels (bar codes of any standard format);
- Interconnection with automata or counting plates;
- Connection to CAD/CAM software;
- Issuance of customized queries and listings;
- Diverse histories of all indicators.
Strict control of maintenance works
It is a fully integrated system to support the management business that includes a diversity of tools that allow to manage the entire operational and productive environment of any maintenance.
It provides real-time information and integrates with mobile solutions adapted to the companies that perform external services.
A solução destina-se a empresas do ramo de equipamentos, assistência técnica, reparações, serviços ou de produção não estandardizada, que pretendam trabalhar com obras de manutenção que controlam números de série, matrículas ou chassi, ou indústrias de produção em série ou não em série.
Permite consultar o histórico dos serviços realizados e a realizar, multi-pagador, controlar a lista de material, reservar material, encerrar total ou parcialmente uma obra de reparação/produção, simular pagamentos na totalidade ou por entidade pagadora, fazer a análise dos totais parciais da obra já faturados de mão-de-obra e material, entre outros.
- Total control of the repair works;
- Total control of budgets, with monitoring of the work vs. budget;
- Invoicing of the repair work, partially or by percentage;
- Measurements control;
- Registration of materials with control of what was applied and returned;
- Product and customer management;
- Equipment maintenance;
- Reports;
- Chronological table;
- Issuance of transport documents;
- Historic.