Corporate Social Responsibility

Wehelp who needs the most

Since always, social responsibility has played an important role in Sendys culture. Our position is to reconcile economic development, social and environmental responsibility, supported by a culture of values ​​of ethics, justice and respect for all.

A socially responsible organization takes into account, the decisions it takes, the community and environment in which it operates. Some argue that organizations, as an engine for economic, technological and human development, are only fully realized when they consider respect for human rights, investment in personal valuation, protection of the environment, anti-corruption, compliance social norms and respect for the ethical values ​​and principles of the society in which they are inserted.

We have a social responsibility program with initiatives that we develop through direct intervention, fundraising or dissemination, and we also have an active and responsible role in society.

Sendys collaborates with the following entities:

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